Keep Your Funding Flowing

Receive grant writing support designed for organizations like yours. Work with a grant writer who is trustworthy, strategic, thorough, and committed to your cause.

I am your right-hand-woman, helping you secure grant funding.

I have been working as a grants professional since 2019. As a member of the Grants Professional Association, I will bring my knowledge, access to resources, and efficiency to your organizations grant seeking journey.

The Benefits of Working With Me.

Get exactly what you need

Work one-on-one with me to get flexible support that is tailored to your organization’s current needs.

Move forward with clarity and a plan.

Create a strategy and a plan from the beginning that will bring the best return on the time, effort, and money invested.

Release yourself from stress and overwhelm.

Reduce the pressure of doing it all by yourself. Get help that does not require constant “hand-holding” or management.

Gain more income, but save on expenses.

Meet your goals and increase your organization’s revenue, while saving money by not hiring a full-time staff.

A Strategic Partnership

Imagine having a dedicated grant writer on your team. Someone you can trust to follow your pace and fill in the gaps, who can also take the wheel and manage the full grant-seeking process if you need them to. A person who understands your vision and the needs of your organization and the community you serve. When you work with me, you get a strategic partnership that is flexible, yet consistent enough to get you the results you need at a more affordable cost.